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Dev Work Protocols and ToDo

Check out Mermaid for diagramming. Mermaid

Add algolia to enable search Algolia

Note about MDX

  • .mdx files may have react components... this means that to get a proper preview we must run the dev server (we can't simply use a markdown previewer in vs code)


Ideas: (FIugre out effort before deciding on which to use for MVP) Tabs at the top to switch between this different "home" components

  • A bubble chart of all notes --- but maybe just in the personal and technical categories (but this might give a false representation of the amount of notes b/c I have the option of creating many notes or one big note, e.g. C# examples, would it be word count? )
  • A chatbot style assistant to direct people
  • Long Term: A ranking of the most visited pages
  • Simple boxes "Let me suggest a starting point. You are a... (recruiter, SWE, etc.)

Youtube, Text, side-by-side component

Create a little component that allows you to see the text, the youtube video, or both side by side. (Maybe like a toggle but with 3 states instead of the normal 2)

These will probably be used on every "Interview Resources" page.

Behavior: If no Youtube video has been recorded, then put a placeholder that explains there isn't a yotube video yet.

Compile time tool to extract info from all notes in a directory and write to another note

  • Language Learning Hacks: See chatGPT, need to write plugin - see if I can create a list programmatically in the general file

.md front matter audit tool.

Almost Done! See Snail to Cheetah

Acronym Popup

I am thinking a popup for when using acronyms could be helpful...

Flow (For Current Navigation)

So I was in the !Technical section and it went from the about section to some random business concepts (with the next page option at the bottom). this flow was jarring). Review all sections to make sure there are (the correct) category pages after the intro Technical: About straight to other (not what I want) !Technical: About to Misguided Decision making (not what want)

I'm thinking each major section should go from about to a sort of table of contents that mirrors the side nav

Auto Tag Generation

I upload a markdown file to an LLM (obvioulsy just with an API call), and that returns the tags for me. It would be great if I could automate the entire process... but maybe also nice to have a VS Code extension that you can invke similar to code snippet??? ...or maybe that would just consist of node addTags ./myfile, so yeah these are basically just two different kinds of user experience, the vs code one would not take you out of the "flow"... but then also you don't even need to do this if you can run a script that will do the task for all files (or select files)

The google analytics plugin is disabled, and let's ignore the gtag manager for now... the point is that we want the tags in our backend.

Something that (once again) reads all the markdown files and then in this case we would actually want that to


Maybe the auth/profile could actually be something that people unlock via easter eggs... they would get a popup telling them that they need to find the easter egg in order to create an account

So here is the idea, everything would be visible to everyone (or maybe not???), but in order to contribute you would need to login. But I want to make it attractive to find the easter eggs, so how do I do this?

Implementation: You could create some special syntax like {auth=adminsOnly}, {auth=basicUser}, etc. The second part would be stored in like a row level security style table and then the proper formatting would be applied to the note before it is delivered to the frontend

Community Feedback APIs

Note: Look for PK_API to find outstanding API tasks. Note: Some of these endpoints could definitely be combined, e.g. vote, comment. ...and if RDBMS, would use quasi- EAV e.g.

content groupitemIduserIdvote directiondate
book reviewbookReview_id_1example_user_id_1upvote/downvoteYYYY-MM-DD
proto productprotoProduct_id_1example_user_id_2upvote/downvoteYYYY-MM-DD
book reviewbookReview_id_2example_user_id_1upvote/downvoteYYYY-MM-DD

this is obviously a rough draft... I'd probably just make user + item the PK and then have a lastUpdateDt, and initialVoteDt (for when people switch their votes)... note sure I care to capture the history (type 2 SCD)... it's probably pretty rare that someone goes in several days or months later to change their vote and I dont see the business value in this case

...same thing for the comments table

This is just a list of endpoints that I definitely need, it is not exhaustive. So it is important to note that these are NOT necessarily different endpoints, as mentioned with the vote EAV table above. Format:

<Note Or Folder Name>:

Language Hacks: Add a "fluency level required" tag to each language learning hack

  • Get: Get the fluency level
  • Post: vote for a different fluency level

Book Reviews:

  • Get: Get my book review from extneral source (unsure if needed)
  • Post: Upvote, Downvote
  • Post: Comment

Interview Questions:

  • Post: To add a question
  • Get: Get all Requests to display in UI (so ppl can upvote)
  • Post: To upvote an existing question or question request

Proto Products:

  • Post: Upvote, Downvote
  • Post: Comment

My Content

See major todos technical for more info

  • Get bookmarks
  • Get Youtube Playlists

API Architecture Ideas


  • serverless lambda - This will be quicker as I'm already familiar
  • elastic beanstalk - This is desirable, as I will gain more xp Where is it easier to use middleware... and what if I am using a bunch of different data stores... ask chatGPT


  • I can use a mix of stores - s3, redshift, etc.


See each item tagged with: PK_ToDo_CheckBeforeDeploy then make a decision.